

Through painting workshops, I want to show people how they can express themselves through art. How to surrender to the moment. How to disconnect the brain, to allow the heart to have its way. 

I want to pass on the feeling of what it’s like to connect with the brush, the emotions, and the story of the energy that want to be told. What it’s like to become one with the moment. 

If you are interested in a regular drawing workshop, this is not for you. We will not learn the rules, straight lines, and correct shading. Because what even is proper painting? Painting is an expression of emotions. Which means that everything that comes out of you, is correct. You just have to allow yourself to pour it out. This is a therapeutic drawing. Through which I guide you.  

This is Art Therapy.  

In the second part of Art Therapy (if you wish) I do your personal psychological analyses. 

The painting you will create will show your current psychological state. Your inner world is always communicating with you. And this is a way to understand what is trying to tell you.  

It is a way to connect with your authentic self. To gain insight in your mental and emotional self. It’s a healing method. 

Discover the power of art. Let’s connect.